Sunday, 29 November 2015

COP21 Paris Climate Conference: A Ficticious Agenda,UN Sponsored Noise and Trashing of Terror Attack Memorial

Demonstrators clash with riot police in Paris 11.29.2015
Regardless of where they are held,
one thing to be said about UN sponsored Climate Change venues is that they are consistent when it comes to mobilizing noise via demonstrations .

It has been the same story in NYC,Sydney, Copenhagen,Doha and now of course in Paris, where a last ditch effort by socialist (and other repressive and dictatorship) governments and crooked entities that feed on public funding, is under way and due to open on an 11 day ticket tomorrow Monday ,November the 30th.

Orchestrated by the UN, the largest corrupt organization on the face of the planet, this yet again gathering of 40,000 politicians and their entourage to wine and dine in Paris for 11 days, will emit in excess of 500,000 metric tonnes of additional CO2 that would not have been there otherwise. 

So as the most liberal, leftist and dictatorship representatives from around the world prep to mingle with one another and other climate crooks in Paris and talk about the weather, let us remember that the greatest scam of the past two centuries, namely GLOBAL WARMING (which had to be re-branded as "climate change" and only because natural "warming" has stopped for the past 19 years).as perpetrated by the most CORRUPT of all governments only has about a year or so before it is sent to the garbage bin of history and forgotten for good; 

Ban Ki-Moon: 
Last year in office as Sec. General of the UN, the world has steadily sunken into chaos and civil wars under his watch while he has been busy pandering to the left of the west's political spectrum. 

Last year in office , this president has been on his own after having lost both houses of representatives more than a year ago, while his domestic and foreign policies have brought nothing more than divisions and disasters for everyone. 

This little socialist is also on his last year of hanging on to power while the country he has presided over has seen a steady economic decline, Muslim migration and brutal terrorist attacks, while all Hollande seems to be capable of doing is to host more Conferences in the hope that his government and the likes of it can rob the taxpaying citizens with  even more climate change driven nonsense. 

UN Driven Breakdown Of Global Security
It is clear that this UN sponsored conference is not designed to mind storm a fix for the climate of the planet but instead to prevent a fictitiously driven  political ideology from certain death.
As to how much it will cost us this time and how far the UN is prepared to continue holding the world to ransom of destabilization and mayhem in the pursuit of reaching its insidious goals, it remains to be seen in the months to come.

Whatever the outcome we can all look forward to at least another year of things getting worse before they get better when it comes to global security, terrorism and chaos, thanks to the the inmates of the asylum who have been in charge for the past 8-9 years.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Obama Is Perversely Correct: Climate Change Cult IS a Bigger Threat Than The ISIS

Mr. Obama's infamous declaration that climate change is the greatest threat to humanity and national security remains in question after a repeat of terrorist attacks on the city of Paris on Nov/14,2015 and it will continue to remain this way in the foreseeable future.

In fact it may even become a part of his tarnished legacy of an ineffectual presidency and placed on the display shelves of history somewhere between Harry Truman and Jimmy Carter.

There are stark and disturbing similarities between a belief system which is convinced that an extremist and violent form of religion is justification for acts of bloody terror and murder leading ultimately to peace and prosperity, and one which dictates that human activity is not only linked to the climate of the planet but also one that drives its temperatures up.
Both cult like belief systems are insane and elitist this way and both look down upon humanity at large with contempt and hatred.

While the most notable similarity between the above schools of thought is the inextricable insanity that they are immersed in, one must not fail to recognize that both cult like thought processes may not be equally as dangerous to the future of humanity as a whole in that while they both seek out to take control of our natural rights and freedoms as well as our post oil civilization via energy distribution (mitigation thereof to be exact and thus slowing down economic expansion), one of these two cult-like ideologies remains more potent and nefarious in nature and thus much harder to defeat than the other.

I know,I know I have started to sound like I am apologizing for Obama and his ilk of supporters like Senator Whitehouse(D:RI) , Senator Boxer(D:California) or even the leftist Pope Francis.

This I can assure you is not the case. Make no mistake , these people believe in what they say and are prepared to go the distance to prevail just like the extremist leaders of the ISIS such as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and his own ilk of followers.

When Obama says that he believe climate change to be the biggest threat to national security, he in fact means every word, whereas all we have to do is not to believe what he says but to believe that if he succeeds in doing what he thinks he must do about climate change, then those policies will in fact become a greater threat than wars and Islamic extremism that currently plagues much of the Middle East. Here's why;

If the ISIS terrorists succeed in establishing a state of their own, they will have to govern such state and build infrastructure, services, energy distribution,schools, roads, hospitals and so on.

In the unlikely event that the ISIS succeeds to establish a foothold and prevail, it will thus have to become a state, one that can then be dealt with much more effectively than they are in their current state of disparate terrorism.

Ultimately however the ISIS can be dealt with one way or another and thus the ISIS can not/may not pose a sustained and prevailing threat against the interests of the free world as it can be isolated both economically and politically and eventually defeated.

THE CULT of Climate Change however can pose a world changing threat if it is allowed to succeed in establishing policies that will pave the way to attain their goals which include but are not limited to a central control of energy resources (most likely the UN) and the establishment of a Malthusian inspired Sustainable Development idea such as UN-Agenda-21 which seeks to limit human reproduction via central control of energy resources and distribution.

If the cult of climate succeeds in their goals , then the global economic infrastructure which is based on free markets and one which has been fought for through two world wars and the longest war of attrition between Communism and Capitalism, namely the Cold War, may as well have no meaning and best forgotten because a new world order that will be created by the climate cult will be one that is in essence anti-free markets at the core and pro centralized power by its nature.

When comparing the threat posed by the ISIS and one that is posed by the cult of climate, it therefore becomes crystal clear that the cult of climatic is a far more insidious threat to the future of humanity at large than the current barbaric activities of a disparate group of Islamic extremists whom quite frankly can and will be defeated over a relatively short period of time.

Perversely therefore the President is correct when he states that "there's no greater threat than climate change".

Friday, 13 November 2015

In solidarity with France

Solar Cycles in 150 Years of Global Sea Surface Temperature Data

Our community moderator Paul Mays has posted an interesting study by University of Washington. The study examines the correlation between Solar Cycles and sea surface temperatures over a 150 year span.
The significance of this and similar studies is that they fundamentally refute the hypotheses of CO2 driven climate here on this planet.

Here's Paul's post where you will also find a link to this study.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Greenland Is Melting....Again!

The New York Times said on Tuesday this week that Greenland is "melting away" and that according to a groups of scientists "studying" the glaciers (yet again).just like a similar story published in Harrisburg Sunday Courier on Dec. 17, 1939.

While lamestream media such as NYT continue to churn-out alarmist nonsense regarding man-made warming, let us not forget that alarmism itself has been a best seller for as long as history itself.

Monday, 9 November 2015

COP21 Paris Climate Summit Is Not Trending On Google Search

*Google Trends: Little interest in COP21*
Google comparative search trend shows little interest in the search terms COP 21,COP21 or Paris climate conference.
Interesting also that the great majority of searches for COP21 originate in FRANCE !

Try it out here;