Tuesday, 9 February 2016

$28 West Texas Oil And A Bogus Man-Made Climate

Global composite indices are in a freefall foday on the news of a plunging oil after a couple of weeks of reprieve that saw prices rise to above $30.

Oil has come a long way from its $110 days in such a short time.This new nosedive in oil to below $30 will now continue until the end of the month when BOGUS INVENTORY data will push prices back up again until the actual inventory data gets leaked, a pattern that will be repeated in the months to come as a measure to keep oil prices from falling into the 1960's $20 mark.

This trend will continue with minor peaks and valleys most likely until oil finally settles down at around $45 a barrel sometime at the end of the first quarter (latest the middle of Q2).

So what does this mean for the global fraud of climate change?
This could well be a double edge sword in that on the one hand the great majority of governments in western hemisphere are either LIBERALS or downright socialists, which means mass public spending and squandering of public funds.

Low oil prices truly hurt these governments in that their FLAT TAX revenues from the sale of oil in each country has been reduced by 80% since this time last year.
This means that social programs based on government handouts will be severely affected. Public sector unions will have less collective bargaining power and in general there will be no good choices for liberals and socialists other than tightening up their belts (what they call *austerity measures* in Europe).

BUT we also have another problem in that central banks play a big role in keeping interest rates near zero (by essentially forging more and more non asset based currencies), effectively delaying the inevitable regime that will call for shrinking size of governments in the free world. This BORROWING from future generations is also known as *public debt* and if you are a North American (US or Canadian) you should know what that means.

ON THE OTHER HAND low oil prices make the idea of expensive boutique style forms of energy production (such as wind, ethanol and solar) highly uneconomical, so the green energy scam can only go so far, effectively having been *castrated* by low oil prices.

My prediction is that ;liberal/leftist governments will continue to move ahead with massive taxation regimes such as *CAP-N-TRADE* and *CARBON TAXES* in order to avoid having to exercise restraint and shrinking their sizes in the short to medium term.

In the long term however, a sustained low oil prices (most agree it will be this way for at least the next 10 years), will NOT be conducive to sustained BORROWING and BIG AND EXPANDING governments....which means that we may just be witnessing the very beginnings of an end to free world socialism (and liberalism).

The results of US Presidential elections will have a DIRECT bearing on the outcome of where the world will be heading (Politically and economically anyway), and THAT we will know in about 10 months from now.

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